


The four members of Charlie Straight have now officially decided to have a break for an unspecified period of time.
Press release (21.10.2013)

Albert Černý, Jan Cienciala, Michal Šupák and Pavel Pilch have been playing together since 2006 when the band formed in the Třinec music school. They all agree that being in a band is like a quadruple marriage which understandably brings certain challenges. “We had an unbelievably intense time in the past seven years. Everyone of us has been affected by it somehow and everyone has evolved. So it is only natural that our visions related to the band started to differ. Lately, it’s been very hard to agree on crucial things,” says bassist Cienciala. The singer Černý explains that it made little sense to keep playing with Charlie Straight when it became clear to everyone that the atmosphere had changed so much. “I believe you should always do everything with all your heart and soul into it and not be afraid of change,” Černý continues.
However, they all agree that playing with other people under the same name would not be the right solution. “Charlie Straight’s music has been created by our four personalities, so performing with someone else under the same name simply wouldn’t be fair,” explains Šupák. The keyboard player would like to concentrate on film music and his own song-writing. He is planning to collaborate with other artists such as Equals (with Yemi AD) or Emil & Jakub. Černý also wants to continue playing live. “I’m just going to continue writing my songs and sing the way I did with Charlie Straight devoting my life to music. Pavel [Pilch] and I have started working on a new project already,” he says.
“The whole situation may be hard to understand for our fans and the public because we’ve been doing so well recently. Still, it would be cowardly to continue just because of the success we’ve had. If we did, we would be fake rather than straight,” concludes Cienciala.

Dát si pauzu na neurčito se rozhodli členové kapely Charlie Straight.
Tisková zpráva (21.10.2013)

Albert Černý, Jan Cienciala, Michal Šupák a Pavel Pilch spolu hrají od roku 2006, kdy se dali dohromady v třinecké hudebce. Všichni se shodují na tom, že mít kapelu je jako být v regulérním vztahu, kde však nejsou jen dva, ale čtyři lidi. To sebou samozřejmě přináší určité problémy. „Za těch sedm let jsme spolu zažili neuvěřitelné věci, které nás formovaly. Lidi se ale mění, takže je přirozené, že se každý z nás posunul jinam a naše vize o tom, kam by měla kapela směřovat, se rozešly. Takže v poslední době bylo stále těžší se domluvit na zásadních věcech,“ vysvětluje baskytarista Cienciala. Zpěvák Černý dodává, že ve chvíli, kdy bylo jasné, že atmosféra ve skupině není ideální, bylo zbytečné pokračovat stejnou cestou. „Podle mě by měl člověk dělat věci v životě na sto procent a nebát se změny,“ říká. Na jednom se však přece jenom členové Charlie Straight shodnou, a to že řešením situace by nebyla proměna složení kapely. „Hudba Charlie Straight je vyjádřením osobností každého z nás, hrát pod stejným jménem v jiném složení by jednoduše nebylo férové,“ upřesňuje Šupák. Ten by se jako výborný pianista rád začal věnovat skládání filmové hudby nebo svým vlastním skladbám. Počítá také s účastí na projektech jako Equals (Yemi Ad) nebo Emil a Jakub. O dalším koncertování mluví i Černý. „Budu psát písničky, zpívat a žít hudbou naplno, s bubeníkem Pavlem Pilchem už pracujeme na něčem novém,“ objasňuje zpěvák. Důležité je podle něj dělat věci, za kterými si budou jako muzikanti stát. „Možná bude celá tato situace pro veřejnost a naše fanoušky nepochopitelná, protože se nám zvlášť v poslední době začalo hodně dařit. Ale bylo by zbabělé nutit se do dalšího pokračování jen proto, že máme úspěch. To by už nebylo straight, ale spíš fake,“ uvažuje Cienciala.

The Great Escape Echo <span>Photos by Paulína Maťová</span>


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Do you think he made it? Did Paul really get home by car?

The Driver


It all started with two ideas. Andi, our long-time German manager and supporter wanted us to play in Munich again and Vojta, our tour-manager, wanted to keep the notorious Moravian tradition of whipping girls on Easter Monday. They both went down quite well (click on the photo for more photos).

I wrote on this Facebook last night as we glided through the snowy night: This is the phase of the band “career” when you can actually meet your fans and talk to them, ask them anything you want… And watch their eyes flash with excitement when they reply. I like the fact that we can do this. I love it.  Albert


Click on the car above to see one more photo (of a brick wall). Albert in ♥ with Hackney

We played in Prague for the Metropolitan University the other day. Having been seated in this posh French restaurant considering fois gras (don’t know about spelling here) and more mind-blowingly expensive things on the menu, we were kindly told to go downstairs and ended up having a laugh. Both photos taken by Pelda, the FOH super sound-man. Albert

YZA JUST SHOWED ME HIS NEW VIDEO <span>I am sitting in his room and can’t believe my eyes </span>

Hooray, COCO !<span>We’ve got “The Anděl Award” for the Czech song of the year 2012</span>

“Czech Music Awards”. What a promising name! Does it mean that they want to make it international? :-) I wish you could see Albert´s mother that night. If my girlfriend looks like that at her age, I will go marry her tomorrow…
Vojta The Driver

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